The Vikings already took this adaptogen, and tonic, of the rose family, before they went into battle. Rhodiola is known to support*:
- Cognitive functions: improved long and short term memory; increased work productivity; improved concentration:
- Mood elevation and less anxious states;
- Overall less fatigue and an invigorated sense of well being;
- Improved work and athletic stamina (in one study exercise endurance was increased after one single dose);
- Better hand- eye coordination;
- Resistance to various physiologic stresses like cold, etc;
- A healthy cell division level in the prostate and other major organs;
- A quicker adaptation to high altitude by reducing fatigue, drowsiness, chest tightness, palpitations, vertigo, lack of attention and/or memory loss;
- May reduce the suffering of nicotine withdrawal;
- Abolished binge eating-in animal studies, by the rhodiola extract salidrosides;
- The promotion of erythropoiesis;
- Reduction of the inflammatory markers COX-2 and PLA2.